Friday, February 27, 2009
Help - my tree is dying
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
To click or not to click...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Shelving Storage

Contemporary Storage Solution in a wide variety of finishes
Dimensions: W216.2 x D46.7 x H74.2cm
These sideboards offer choices of finish for you to create the perfect storage solution. Great for living rooms, dining rooms, even home-office set-ups and bedrooms. By selecting the finish that complements the surrounds, you can work this storage solution into any room of the house.

Contemporary Storage Solution in a wide variety of finishes
These sideboards offer fantastic quality & value with many choices of finish for you to create the perfect storage solution. Great for living rooms, dining rooms, even home-office set-ups and bedrooms. By selecting the finish that complements the surrounds, you can work this storage solution into any room of the house.

Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Balcony Garden Year - February
There are times when I think that anyone in Austin Texas should be forbidden to have a blog. Like today, when I go into the blog for Homewood Heights Community Garden and find that they're all out there gardening in sleeveless T-shirts. (The air turns green with envy.) Milan and Austin are supposed to have the same hardiness zone rating for heavens sake, yet I was out there today in my Norwegian fisherman's sweater and padded boots ...
However, even if temperatures aren't quite in the Austin league, the last two weeks of February do mark the official start of the Balcony Garden year. Most of the work to be done is only preparatory, but there are one or two things that count as real gardening. So here goes with a list. If you're a balcony gardener, what should you be doing in February?
It does depend where you are of course. We're having daytime temperatures of about 11°C now, and the plants are starting to show signs of coming back into growth. if you're not that far on, then you may have to wait a few more weeks before getting on with some of the things here.
1. If you have perennials or biennials or bulbs coming through, remember that higher temperatures will mean you need to start watering more often. Check at least once a week - more often if it's sunny. But don't overwater, and remember that the top layer may have dried out while the soil below is still moist. Check first.
2. Plan. What are you going to grow, what combinations are you going to have, and what will you need to do month by month? If you have such restricted space that you can do little else but buy in plants from the local garden centre, then you may prefer to let this develop month by month as things catch your eye. But if you have a little extra space (I have three balconies, each 10m x1m) and want to grow from seed, now's the time to be thinking about it.
2. Pop out to the nearest garden centre and pick up some primulas. No balcony should be without them at this time of the year. Whether you go for classic yellow, a bi-coloured display or just a riotous mixture of all the colours you can get your hands on, they'll cheer you up and remind you that spring is on the way while you do ...
3. ... the boring stuff. Yes, I know you don't want to, but if you don't give the balcony a good spring clean now, you won't be able to. Wash down the railings before you put the containers back up and have plants trailing all over the place. Sweep and wash down the balcony floor before it's covered in heavy pots. And then empty all the old soil out of the containers and give them a good wash too. With disinfectant, to get rid of any fungus or virus infections left over from last year. When you've done all that, you can give yourself a pat on the back and make a cup of tea. Now the fun stuff starts - you can start thinking about your plants.
4. If you're in a zone where temperatures are high enough that there's no longer any risk of frost on the balcony itself, you should be able to take off the fleece from plants which have overwintered, and maybe even move them away from the walls of the house or the more sheltered parts of the balcony. But be careful - if you're not sure the weather will co-operate, then leave them a bit longer. If you do move them out, check them for damage, cut off any dead bits, and clear the containers of dead leaves. Then scrape away as much of the old soil as you can without disturbing the roots and replace with new.
5. Now is the time to prune certain shrubs, like plumbago, which flower off the new growth of the year. Last year I didn't get round to mine and this, together with the fact that I'd put it in a position where it got only limited sun, meant I got a very poor showing of flowers. This year, I've cut it back hard, pruning each stem of last year's growth back to about two leaf buds from the main branch. And I've moved it back on to the balcony railings, where it gets more sun and has always done well. Don't forget though, that some shrubs - like my philadelphus - flower off the previous years growth. Prune them now and you'll have no flowers at all.
6. A few things can already be sown now - some vegetables and flowers which grow from bulbs, corms or tubers can be planted outdoors, while seeds can be started indoors. I'm trying Jerusalem artichokes up the trellis in front of the bedroom this year, and they went in last week, and so did my garlic. And I continued planting my summer bulbs, putting in some liatris and several sorts of allium. Plus some corms which for now are being referred to as Mysterius Whatthehellaretheseus. I have a clear memory of taking them out of their pots last autumn, putting them away and thinking Oh, I'll remember what those are. Yeah yeah. In the house, I've got a mix of herbs, flowers and veg seeds sitting by the bed and waiting to germinate - if they're not too intimidated by my husband's frequent laments of Do those really have to be there?
And that's about it for this month. But there's only a week to go till March - and then the fun really starts.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Its the Energy Stupid!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Green Links
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Architect vs. Builder
Architects and Home Builders seem to have a bit of a dysfunctional relationship. Looking through my lens as an Architect it seems that many builders look at us as a necessary evil; and something to be avoided. Most builders today still utilize their own in house staff or an outside house plan drafting service in lieu or working with an Architect. The result is a lack of creativity and variety. The evidence? Take a drive through the suburbs and you will see thousands of homes that look remarkably similar, yet constructed by many different builders. This cannot possibly be a good situation for the builders, because it forces them to compete mostly by price alone. Not a good way to make a profit.
It seems clear that if the builders want to stand out and get more demand for their products; then one great way to do that is to offer great creative, unique and functional designs that stand out from the competition. In other words they should create a design niche. And the best way to do this might be to work with a competent Residential Architect / Designer.
So why does the builder avoid the Architect? Well at Larson Brenner Architects I have bumped into many builders over the years and I can pretty much tell you why.
- Time – Builders don’t make money until they start construction of the home. Sometimes they don’t make money until construction is completed. It drives them crazy having to wait for the design process to be completed.
- Money – Going through the traditional architectural design process costs money. Builders are constantly trying to manage escalating construction costs – and Architects represent another cost control issue.
- Attitude – Many Architects look down on the builder; and it shows. Our field likes to put down the housing industry, yet offers little in the way of assistance. So why would a builder want to work with us if he thinks we don’t respect him?
There is clearly a huge market share that Architects are not currently tapping into because of the above. I believe we can gain market share by doing the following:
- Try to gain a better understanding the builders’ point of view. We also need to give them a better idea of who we are and the value that we bring to projects. We need to get out and start talking with them and learning from each other. With understanding comes mutual respect.
- Modify our process and deliverables for builders to save time and money. I am not arguing that we should give our services away. Our services are extremely valuable. I am only suggesting a modification of our services and deliverables to bring more value to the builder.
At Larson Brenner Architects we a bit of experience with item 2. I’ll try to expand a bit on that in a future posting.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Gardeners' Bloom Day - February
I was hoping they'd make it for today. I've been watching them for a month now, at first hardly visible amongst the leaves, then gradually elongating and holding up little swan-like heads. Timidly starting to unfurl.
But we're shy. And then, it's been so cold ...
Too cold. I've lost a lot this winter. Plants which have made it through other winters have blackened and died ...
But it's better now. The sun is shining and we can feel its warmth. Perhaps we will come out and open up ...
There's still a chill wind though, and the nights are cold. Careful.
We will be. But it's been so long ... It's time, it must be time.
And yes, today for the first time it did almost seem as if spring was in the air. The temperature on the balcony at lunchtime was a comfortable 11°C (52°F) even if it did drop considerably as the sun passed over and left us in the shade. But it wasn't so much the temperature as the quality of the light - or was it the smell in the air? I don't know. In any case, it didn't feel like winter any more.
Dangerous words. Most of Italy is still grappling with snow, and there's plenty of time for it to come back here. Am I just imagining the spring? Is it just wishful thinking?
My little cyclamen don't think so, and neither do the tulip and daffodil bulbs which are starting to push through. Or the lily bulbs. Or the agapanthus. Everything is starting to put out shoots, or to look just that bit greener, as if they're slowly coming out of a long, long sleep.
So no, I don't have much to show you for Gardeners' Bloom Day this month. But I will have soon. It's time to get ready ...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Vegetables need love too ...
Don't underestimate them ...
Peas sidle up, wanting to hug ...

Carrots need to cuddle ...

Parsnips get passionate ...

Tomatoes hold hands ...

Fiddlehead fern gets the message across ...

And so do onions, reminding you that love can sometimes make you cry ...

And freeze your heart ...

But sooner or later you'll warm it up again.

With many, many thanks to the people who made these photos available under Creative Commons Licence on flickr :
Chris Campbell - carrots
beatlequeen - parsnips
Zep10 - tomatoes
libraryman - fiddlehead fern
Estherase - onions
waiti - spinach
kramerhawks - celery
And the potato? We ate it last week ....
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
View your home in Google Earth
Simply Elegant Home Designs offers pre-designed home plans that are creative, simple, elegant, unique and green to individuals, builders and developers. Their goal is to provide the most discriminating home designs available and to be the most service oriented organization in the pre-designed house plans business. They can be reached at www.simplyeleganthomedesigns.com or 612-669-6411.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The only herb you'll ever need ...

About ten years ago, browsing around a German supermarket, I came across a packet of herbs with the name Bohnenkraut. Well, that translates as "bean herb" and as I cook with beans a lot, I thought I'd give it a go.
It was wonderful. Following the suggestions on the packet, I added it to anything which contained tomatoes, beans, lentils ... and soon I was hooked. But what was it exactly?
It tasted a bit, but not quite, like oregano - though I preferred it by far. Could it be a blend of various herbs? A bit like the French Herbes de Provence? I decided it must be.
I couldn't find anything like it anywhere else. I tried in Britain, in Italy - but nowhere had a German blend of herbs with anything like the name bean herb.
And so, for about ten years I just stocked up every time I went there, bringing home enough packets to last me till I went again or someone visited and could bring them out. And added it to just about everything. Roast chicken, beef stew ... I don't think two days go by when we don't have Bohnenkraut in something. I confess - I'm an addict. The recipes say oregano? basil? sage? Forget it - stick in some Bohnenkraut.
And then, while I was there this Christmas, I went to the local garden centre to buy some seeds and found .... Bohnenkraut. So it wasn't a blend after all. But then what the heck was it?
I'll cut a long and Google-dominated story short. It's savory.
Now that's a herb I'd heard of, but if you'd asked me if I'd ever tried it, I'd have said no.
Try looking for recipes with savory on the web. You will find them, but they're few and far between. Why is it so ignored? If the web is to be believed it's used a lot in Canada,and also in Bulgaria and Romania, but here in Southern Europe is largely unknown - odd because apparently it grows here. I did find the Italian name, Santoreggia, and then remembered having seen it in a little greengrocer's which specialises in heirloom fruit and veg, but apart from that I've never heard of it being used.
Needless to say, when I came home after my trip to the garden centre, there was a packet of savory seeds tucked firmly into my bag. I've bought summer savory (Satureja hortensis),an annual which is apparently milder in flavour than the perennial winter savory (Satureja montana). I've no idea which one my dried herbs are - I'll find out when it's big enough to harvest.
If you can find it, I recommend strongly that you try it. If you grow from seed, it will germinate at 18-20°C (65-70F), so start it off indoors or in the greenhouse any time from now on. And then it likes the sun.
Apart from the fact that it tastes wonderful, it also acts against the anti-social effects that can often come from eating food like beans - all these years of wondering why the beans I cooked didn't cause the problems they were supposed to ...
And (or but, depending on how you look at it), according to the ancient Romans, it's an aphrodisiac. Now, I've been feeding it to my husband for the last ten years and I have to say.... But no, perhaps not. I'll leave you to try it. You can find out for yourselves.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
modern decor , Creative Expression

Because carpeting is required by the building to muffle sound, the owner chose plain khaki carpet that mimics Japanese tatami mats. Over this neutral carpeting, dramatic jewel-tone rugs from Tibet put art underfoot.

The white walls set off the owner's colorful Japanese prints. Illustrating successful eclectic style, modern furniture in white and black combines with traditional pieces in warm hues.
Industrial spaces are perfect candidates for modern decor. On the next page, learn how to dress up an industrial space and call it home.
Appetizing Color

In each of these kitchens, cobalt blue is used to great effect to bring the room alive.

Choose any bold hue you like. Whether you want a room that's light, airy, and spacious or one that's cozy and intimate, color is a quick and effective way to get the look and feel you want.
Cooking and Dining
One thing's certain: Large eat-in kitchens, dining rooms adjacent to kitchens, and open-plan rooms with an area devoted to food preparation and enjoyment are big draws.

Keep appealing architectural elements if they work (skimpy doorways, no; tiny hexagonal tiles, yes), but upgrade appliances for performance and energy savings.
Define a new dining area with a fabulous table, or update your old dining room by widening or removing doorways. Whatever your style, consider painting or glazing a wall in cardinal orange-red: This glowing hue has been a dining room favorite since the Renaissance.
A big kitchen is a perfect spot to showcase your modern decor. On the next page, get design ideas for large and luxurious kitchen spaces.
Luxury With a Twist

A massive work island, topped in variegated granite, is already a focal point. With the addition of a slim tier made of glass, the island becomes a handsome snack bar that lets guests visit comfortably with the cook.
Cabinets and shelving rounded against the walls recall the sleek style of Art Deco, but there's nothing retro about the overall effect. Artfully arranged lights, some recessed, some on a curved track, add even more glamorous sparkle.

While many contemporary kitchens use soffits or have cabinets that reach to the ceiling, this one takes a page from traditional style and leaves room for display. Accessories are large and dramatic, in keeping with the space itself.
Color can add some spice to kitchens of all sizes. On the next page, get some ideas for adding bold colors to your kitchen.
modern decor , Room With a View

To maximize such a view, keep any furniture beneath the window (around knee height if possible). An upholstered ottoman or a chaise lounge fits the bill nicely.

If you need to use a taller chair, set it well to one side of the window, and keep any side tables low and small. Depending on your desire for privacy, you may opt for no window covering at all or one that stacks unobtrusively -- Roman shades are chic with any decorating style, and pleated shades work with soft contemporary or Asian-inspired settings.
Modern Decor Ideas , Inviting Color

But instead of leaving these settings in neutral, the designers reached for color. Two rooms feature the sherbet hues pistachio and raspberry, while the third uses the paint-box primaries -- red, yellow, and blue. Cut with creamy white, each looks chic and cheerful. The natural earth tones of wood floors and the tawny shades in the area rugs also lend warmth to these contemporary settings.

To keep the look in bounds, add neutral accents; to rev up the excitement, use a few well-chosen works of art and decorative accessories in hues you love. Clutter-free contemporary style gives color a high-impact punch.