I have long admired french gilded chairs and when
I see them in magazines and decorator books,
they always catch my eye.
But where would I run into such a piece to call my own?
I did see a gilt french baroque sofa upholstered in hot pink velvet
once in the markdown section of the local Salvation Army.
Like a moth to flame I raced over towards
it only to see a big red SOLD tag on it.
Then I knew, I just had to keep my eyes open for one to come along again.
In the meantime, I have been busy working
on my living room adding floral fabric to line the backs of the bookcases,
just like Annette Tatum has in her living room.
It was recently featured in the latest Romantic Country magazine,
and since I first saw this room in her book,
she has added a gilded French wing chair, upholstered in cream linen.
Oh I loved this addition, and was both jealous
and full of admiration at the same time.
But today was a new day~and look what I came across
at the most fabulous antique coop I discovered in my own backyard.
There she sat...
Original upholstery in a cranberry pink and yellow tapestry
with black and gold threads.
A scene of a couple in a garden out in front of a classical building.
The fabric looks like cut velvet . It is raised and 3 dimensional.
Very Marie Antoinette~but I am thinking I should reupholster in
something more sedate so you can focus on the chair, not the fabric.
I would love your opinions~would you change the original fabric?
This is Annette's chair. It is in a cream linen.
I think it looks amazing in her space.
But back to MY chair!!
There it was sitting in an antique garage filled with wonderful things.
I was hoping I could afford it and take it home.
I could and I did!
It has straw and horsehair stuffing.
Louis XVI furniture is marked by straight fluted legs
and at the top of the leg is a box with a rosette inside.
This chair has to be 100 years old.
This Louis XVI chair is in Mary McDonald's new book which I just read
and highly recommend! Anyway, her chairs are painted white, which is not
something I am going to do, but I wanted you to see the leg style with the rosette.
Her chairs are done in brown velvet.
Another gorgeous gilt chair in Mary's book.
I am loving a little gilt in a room.
Look what I didn't take home:
A French Baroque style settee, all gilded as well.
This beauty needed a little repair work, and at $125 I was sorely tempted.
Any takers?
My new Marie Antoinette chair is up in my office for now.
I would love to have it in my living room like Annette has hers,
but until it has different fabric, that is impossible.
Annette's is simple and timeless looking.
This tapestry is lovely, but bossy.
Would you change it out to linen?
I could do a pale pink or plain cream.
What would you recommend for my living room?
Or should it stay unharmed and live in my Marie Antoinette office?linking to


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