Last week was quite a week. First there was the article in the Wall Street Journal which mentioned The Balcony Garden and sent my stats soaring. Then on Sunday, it was my birthday and without knowing it, Leslie of Growing a Garden in Davis sent me a surprise birthday present. And here it is ....
An E for Excellence award. Thank you Leslie!
The award originates with Katarina of Roses and Stuff who had the idea of a “circulating” award which would be passed on by the holders to ten other blogs. Which is a bit of a problem, as lots of the bloggers who instantly spring to mind as being worthy recipients - Jodi, Carol, Robin, and many others - already have them.
But there are a lot of good blogs out there, so here’s my list. I’ve tried to include only people who don’t seem to have received them already. If you have, just feel doubly pleased with yourself.
I’m passing the award on to :
David of Snappy’s Gardens Blog - for his ability to post every day and always have something interesting to say, even when he’s working twelve hour shifts.
Patrick of Bifurcated Carrots and Anthony of The Compost Bin for the information and ideas that they share.
Cheryl of My Wildlife Sanctuary and Lisa of The Hummingbird Garden. For the birds, the bees and the other creatures.
Melissa of Bean Sprouts – for showing that little things done by individuals do make a difference.
David Perry of A Photographer’s Garden Blog for the photos he takes – and especially, for telling us how he does it.
Jim of Art of Gardening for the birdsong (turn on your speakers).
Kerri of Colors of the Garden, Ladyluz of Costa de la Luz Gardening and Blackswamp Girl of A Study in Contrasts, just because I enjoy their blogs.
Sue of Lodge Lane Nurseries for managing to keep her blog just as interesting and non-commercial as it was before, even though she’s turned professional.
Whoops! That’s eleven. But who’s counting. There’s no-one I want to throw out and several more that I could add. But I’ll leave those for the rest of you to nominate ...