I've got about seven plants all together, and as they came from some seeds I collected a couple of years ago, I'm not sure what colours I'll get. But that's part of the fun. I love the delicate pale pink of this one.
These are plants which I sowed just under two years ago. I must have put them in too late in the year for them to flower the following summer - they hardly grew at all last year. But this year they just shot up, although some which I transplanted lost a few lower leaves - I think it may have been rust or a watering problem rather than the move itself. But they're now all where I want them, so at the end of the summer I'll leave them where they are and see how they get on as perennials.

The "fight against the mite" is still going on. Although the mallow now seems clear, some of the other plants have been slightly affected. Luckily the weather seems to be on my side - the mites don't like the cold wet conditions we've been having, and that gives me a headstart on them. I've been merciless in ripping off any leaves I've seen affected, and so far things are under control. But it's too soon to feel confident. There's another four months of relentless struggle ahead ...