OK, well - I was going to ignore it. I mean play it cool and not make a big deal of it. But then I go into other sites and see they're all yelling VOTE FOR ME! Well, if the competition is going to be brash about it, then perhaps I should say something ...

I've been nominated for the 2009 Blotanical Awards, for the Best Container Gardening Blog. I don't know who nominated me but thank you, thank you, thank you. I honestly didn't expect it, and just making it into the top five makes me feel great, regardless of the final result. A big hug to all of you ...

But for those of you who haven't been here much before, and who aren't sure why I've been nominated - here are a couple of links to some of the posts that I've enjoyed writing the most. Decide for yourselves, and may the best container gardening blog win!

Growing Cotton on the Balcony
Tulips - The Second Year
Balcony Gardening - Or Just Exterior Decorating?
Form and Colour, Colour and Form
or, try this collection of posts with the label Working on the Balcony

Best Container Gardening Blog is only one category though and there are a lot of others to vote for. In fact, I admit to being a bit bemused. There are 75 all together (mainly because each US state has its own) and in some categories I'd happily vote for any of the finalists. How do you choose ?

Voting is open for another couple of days (and not 285 as Stuart's delightfully idiosyncratic counter is telling us), so if you're a Blotanical member but have not yet cast your vote, do nip over to the site and have a look.