Yearn for the comfort and ambiance of your own traditional log cabin but are really a 21st century eco-citizen? No need to make compromises with the eco-friendly and modern-designed Wall Mount Bio Fuel Fireplaces by Fireside America.
Fireside America has created a smokeless and vent-less fireplace that can be easily mounted or inserted into a wall and weighs under 50lbs -combining old-fashioned function with modern form.
Fireside Amercia Caprise
Bio Fuel Fireplace
Fireside America has created a smokeless and vent-less fireplace that can be easily mounted or inserted into a wall and weighs under 50lbs -combining old-fashioned function with modern form.
Fireside Amercia Caprise
Bio Fuel Fireplace

Unlike other eco-friendly fireplaces, bio-flame is a high-tech clean burning fireplace created to run on a highly refined ethanol which is nonstop fed into the fire and produces no harmful gases, smoke, ashes or soot. Who needs a plasma screen television, when you can cozy up with a hot chocolate and watch the flicker of flames all night?
Fireside Amercia Fiorenzo
Wall Mount Bio Fuel Fireplace