I have always been fascinated by the sight of bare branches against a blue sky. I took my first photo, of a silver birch, in Finland in the January of 1975. It had been a long dark winter up till then. And then suddenly, the snow came down, the sun came out, and there was light again.

Now I have a silver birch in my London garden and it's April. But the fascination remains. These photos were taken ten days ago - in my garden (the silver birch and the prunus) and across my neighbour's garden (the apple and pear trees) towards the park beyond (the poplars).

The prunus was in bud but not quite in flower. It probably is by now. I really hoped I'd see it blooming.
The silver birch towards the house ...
... and towards the park.
It's a long time since I took part in Skywatch Friday, but I think these photos probably qualify. But click here to see the others participating this week. Of those up when I posted my favourite are the superb bird photos of by Klaus in Florida. Check them out.