I was invited to RUE!!
This blurry shot of the Empire State building was taken
by me as I hobbled along on 3" high heeled booties to the
exciting premier launch party of RUE magazine
at the New York Design Center!
The streets were blocked from a United Nations convey
and all the secret service buzzing by in Escalades.
We had to exit the cab and hoof it to the party
over one mile in those damn heels.
Caitlin Flemming, Anne Sage,
Alaina Kaczmarski, Crystal Gentilello.
This picture is from Alaina's blog and shows all the
RUE girls together.
The first person I saw was lovely Alaina, one of Rue's editors.
I apologized for being late and blamed the bloody stumps that used to be my feet.
She sent me and hubs over to the champagne station!
The first person I met there I thought I knew
because he looked so familiar.
Then it hit me, it was Michael Moeller, the Design Star finalist!
Michael was so charming and handsome IRL.
We talked about his friendships
with the other design star contestants
and his famous glass room design concept.
Later he told me and Mr. Maison Decor
where to get a steak after the party!
Thanks Michael~it was great.
Are you kidding me?
I went over to say hi to Tamara Stephenson from NestNestNest
and suddenly noticed who was right behind us....EDDIE ROSS!
The stars were out in force for RUE!
The stars were out in force for RUE!
I got to talk to Eddie Ross and his partner Jaithan Kochar
about design stuff!
And about junking at Salvation Army!
Pinch me again! They are junkers too.
I told him all about my Lillian August sofa
that I grabbed for $300.
They confirmed I got a huge deal.
I promised to take them with me when they come to Bean town.
Offer still stands guys!
We talked about blogging too~it was very inspiring.
I told them about @dunesandduchess
and their fabulous candelabras.
Those candelabras seem so "Eddie"....
This is from his latest blog post...
isn't this just a brilliant use of color,
fabric and accessories to tell a story?
I could picture the black candelabra on the desk. Yes?
Tamara and I shared a few moments.
She brought her hubs and I brought mine so they
would have someone to hang out with at the "designer event".
I do look a bit disheveled especially next to Tamara...
hello people!??
I just walked over a mile in heels.
I don't have any practice doing that...and
so much for wearing the right outfit--what was I thinking?
A turtleneck to a glamour event! LOL
That's a true Bostonian for you!
Wow! "Hi Dan"!
Dan Faires was on Design Star too!
I loved him because he was so good helping
everyone out with his use of tools.
I told him I was good at using tools too
so we would have been the perfect team.
Dan agreed.
His beautiful wife may have thought otherwise.
Rhoda from Southern Hospitality snapped this picture
of Mr. MD and Dan listening intently to my design opinions!
Rhoda from Southern Hospitality snapped this picture
of Mr. MD and Dan listening intently to my design opinions!
Dan was really nice ~and maybe I wasn't under dressed after all.
Jonathan Legate was one of the design bloggers at the party.
I loved his lapel flower. The room was abuzz of design chat.
You can see Emily in the background cutting through the room.
I already had my chance to gab with Emily,
and she was in demand!
When you're a celebrity everyone wants a piece of you!
This party was all about celebrating RUE.
The collage is from the blog Decor8.
Look at the gorgeous images.
The brainchild of bloggers, this online magazine is terrific..
and not to be missed.

This party was a real taste of design life in New York!!
Designers everywhere you looked,
beautiful surroundings at the Design Center,
lots of champagne,
and swollen feet.
Thanks for the invitation RUE and special thanks to Alaina~
you were incredibly welcoming and sweet and we
wish you all the success with RUE.