Regardless of the type you prefer, it pays to plan your ideal lay-out before going out and spending. Discuss your lay-out with the contractor and look for a floor plan that suits your habits and lifestyle. Also take into consideration your partner or small children, if you have any. Modern parents or home-owners prefer the sleek and trendy looks of kitchen appliances today. They also go for eco-friendly and energy-conserving types of refrigerators, freezers, microwave ovens, and ranges. Aside from this basic stuff, trendy individuals look for work surfaces that are easy to clean and come in stylish black marble or granite for that sleek look. Kitchen islands are also convenient since they save you space walking from one end of the room to another while preparing meals. Islands can be installed to contain your range or sink, and are preferred for busy people who want to save time and space as much as possible. A good kitchen lay-out would be one that has a small dining nook for quick meals and snacks.
Formal dining rooms would be too fussy to set up for every meal and clean up afterwards.