Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everybody!
This is a little sketch I did of my mother -in-laws chicken coop.
Her dad made it, and it is no longer used as a coop, but a shed.
It sits in the backyard kind of neglected.
I scraped and painted it last year as it was a peeling mess.
But this is how I really imagine it could look.
Here sits Claire's little coop.
Her dad named the Coop "Ucomin".
He made a sign that hangs about the door.
It has a window in the back that you can retrieve the eggs.
Anyway, it is cute and I think it has a lot of potential.
So maybe I will be working on this area this sunny weekend.
We planted a lawn and you can see it is starting to come in.
I have a few other projects planned for this weekend too.
Another project is the new chandy.
This is a peek of the ceiling medallion I painted for it.
Mr. Maison Decor said we could hang it this weekend.
I've been working on some tole trays for my kitchen...
I bought some miniature ones from Etsy
 and some didn't have a gilded edge...
I trimmed the window shelf in the kitchen and then asked 
Mr. Maison Decor to try his hand at routering.
Oy Vey!
 It was an ugly moment...this was the sample...
Looks like a wild bear ate through the wood.
 I had to come up with Plan B.
Tin tile was my solution, but that is for another post.
I am still working on the kitchen decor, and will be anxious to share.
Until then, 
enjoy the weekend,
and get some projects done!