Friday, June 10, 2011

This crazy week

Its been a hot week in Boston, in the nineties!
I was out in the yard quite often and as usual I  include the dogs.
 The spot where the pink swing sits needed some flowers so I decided to add a trellis,
and then put my planter next to it and grow some morning glories.
I will be attaching the trellis, but the plan is to hide the trash barrel behind it.
 Cute striped pillows, the outdoor type, were a gift from my sister.
I think Dillon says we need to go to the upper yard so we can weed the rose bed.
 My roses have exploded due to the heat. 
Still waiting on the hydrangeas.
 Heat means lots of watering, even though I use
 the moisture retentive type potting soil in the planters.
 Weeding all along the back rose bed and Dillon overseas my work.
 The rest of the week I was busy helping Mr. Maison Decor. 
When he is not being a policeman, he is running his excavation company.
 This week he had a demolition job and was digging the foundation.
I actually spent an entire day in this bathroom with him ripping
 out 3 ceilings and 3 floors, and the walls.
Plaster dust, even though it is white, is not pleasant. Triple ugh.
We were all glad when the interior demo was finished, 
and we moved onto digging the foundation.
 I was promoted to superviser!
 Did you know white hard hats mean you are the boss?
Don't you just love white?
 I guess he had enough of my supervision,
 and I was soon back to doing grunt work.
The other thing I did this week was list my 
Titanic style steamer deck chairs on Craiglist.
They sold in about one hour!
Originally purchased for the deck on our NH house, 
they have been sitting on the lawn waiting for me to 
move them every time I have to mow the lawn.
So the last time the lawn was mowed, 
was the last time I had to move them~
A nice lady came by and shoved them in her Mercedes
 at 8am this morning and handed me the cash!
That was my fun and crazy week!