Sunday, January 20, 2008

Late again ...

Why am I always late for Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day? Probably for the same reason that I'm always late for everything else - deadlines are not my strongpoint. But I have to admit that this month I actually forgot, and only remembered when I started seeing other people's posts.

Most of the balcony is covered up now. Low winter temperatures mean that over December, January and sometimes February, most of the plants need protection. So they get moved back close to the walls of the house, with the most delicate backing onto radiators, and covered in fleece.

But some just won't give up. What's that showing through the fleece? The salmon pink pelargoniums of course, now blooming uninterruptedly for two and a half years. And as you can see from the buds, they have no intention of being beaten - January temperatures or no January temperatures. And their enthusiasm seems to be catching. My red pelargoniums have been keeping pace with them all winter, and they too are full of buds.

Other blooms - the pansies which I planted last autumn have been blooming all winter, and the "freeby" cyclamens I got a week ago seem to be recovering from their overwatering and are looking far more perky. So I think they'll make it. And the antirrhinums are still with us too.

Not bad for January.