Monday, March 14, 2011

Tin Ceilings

I am obsessing on tin ceilings and how they create instant drama.
Tin ceilings say "old".
Waiting for a delivery from my eBay wallpaper favorite site,
 is a wallpaper that imitates this ceiling.
It is called French Cloverleaf Tin Ceiling.
I have never wallpapered a ceiling before, 
so my powder room seemed like a doable project.
I'll find out soon enough.
This tin ceiling has bigger squares and it is more simple than I prefer.
The style I will be looking to capture is more ornate with a "prettier" look.
My powder room has the washer and dryer in it, which aggravates me to no end. It seems as if there is always a pile that finds its way there, even after I have washed, dryed, and folded 5 loads.
If my laundry room could look like this gardeny wash room with potting shed flair, I would be happy.
But it will not end up looking like this.
So I will be working on my 
frenchy vintage laundry room bath
to share with you all soon~
BTW, all of my images came from Pinterst....
have you been there?