Monday, June 21, 2010

My Favorite Room

No one has ever asked me what my favorite room was. It didn't take me long to figure it out dining room in my lake house is my favorite room of all!
Let me count the ways:

  1. I have my very favorite piece of furniture in this room. My green country hutch.
  2. My prized collections of purple transferware and amethyst glass are in this room.
  3. Purple is the main color in this room. I have loved purple since I was a little girl.
  4. With the exception of the green hutch, everything in this room is old and comes from consignment shops, thrift stores, swap shops, old relatives and friends, and remnant tables. I love how you can make a room yours with a little ingenuity.
  5. The once hated chandelier that hangs in the room is enchanting now that I have strung it with amethyst drapery trim and purple teardrop crystals.
  6. Amazingly enough, this is the one room I didn't repaint. It was purple when I bought this house!
  7. The chairs came from a yard sale and they are the epitome of country elegance.
  8. This room has a double set of french doors, and I am mad for french doors!
  9. This room is where my family gathers for family dinners and special parties and where many happy moments transpire.
These are the reasons my Lake House dining room is my favorite room!

This question was posed to me  
by Blayne Beacham at This Photographers Life
Thanks for making me take the time
 to appreciate my dining room Blayne!