Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Nate Berkus Show Review

Yes, I was thrilled to be invited as a design blogger 
to be in Nate Berkus's audience this week.
 After all, I am a designer, and I have a design blog~
so of course it felt great to be recognized! 
Yes, I felt special!
We were told to queue up in the VIP line outside of CBS.
I was feeling really special!
A sea of 90 bloggers and their guests wait for the big show.
This event was a great vehicle for 
meeting up with our blogging and twitter pals.
In line I got the chance to finally meet Amy from ABCDDesigns.
She is a talented designer with a great blog.
Inside we waited in the green room before being 
escorted onto the set.
This is where many of us connected in real life for the first time.
The green room has lots of pictures of Nate on the walls.
I wonder if Nate decorated this space?  
Everyone knows that this incredible twosome, The Moggit Girls, 
created this opportunity and willed it to happen! 
On set, I was seated right behind them with Mr. Maison Decor!
The Moggit girls are funny. 
The warm up lady, Deena,
who gears up the audience, was really funny too.
Janet and Joy were funny AND good looking! 
And did I mention they have nice hair? 
This was my view of the show...
you can see tiny Nate Berkus in between them.
  He was kind enough to talk to the bloggers
 at the end of the show, off camera. 
I thought they would have put my hubby in the front row because
 he looked so darn good in his bright blue shirt and green tie....
but instead I think we ended up in the camera "dead zone".
 His shirt sleeve may make it onto the show though.
 Be looking for it.
This is what handsome Mr. Maison Decor wore..
so you can try and spot him in the audience. 
The camera was always pointing at other people...not us. 
We could do whatever we wanted 
because we weren't going to get caught. 
That was the upside. 
The downside is that my mother won't see me on TV.
At the end of the Nate show was the off camera part of Q and A. 
We got to talk about real design from his perspective. 
This was the really good stuff.
He is very charming and sincere, and seems to be very busy..
he had to leave after 15 minutes. 
Holy cow, it took us 5 hours to drive to NY for the show,
 and $700.00 in expenses!
Can I ask Nate a question please????? 
Poof, he was gone!
So that is my review of the Nate Show.
 It was not the highlight of my trip to NYC as expected, 
as I went to some other events after it was 
out that the design bloggers were in town. 
These events turned out to be a real plus for me.

I'll give Nate some slack, as it is a new show 
and the production team probably 
should have prepared a show that 
could have tapped into all of our brilliance! 

To watch this show
 go to the Nate Berkus Show online and see the schedule.
 It won't mention anything about design bloggers though. 
Topic will be adorable Design Star Emily Henderson
 who does a great makeover
 on a military family whose wife is a "collector" (hoarder). 
That was a hilarious segment I have to say.

There were two other events I received an invitation to: 
A first rate launch party of RUE Magazine and a 
 luncheon hosted by HGTV production team for design bloggers. 
They were both terrific! 
 I will be reviewing them in separate posts.