Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Natural modern interiors by Lisa Coulburn

Natural Modern Interiors is about natural interiors, eco homes, eclectic rooms and beautiful things I find on my travels and as a collection of interior design ideas to promote the use of natural furniture, materials and methods to renovate, decorate and style your home.

I believe that your home should be your retreat – a place to escape to that reflects your lifestyle, personality and individuality. How you renovate or decorate your home can have a big influence on how you feel when you are relaxing, entertaining or working from home.

My own style is natural modern with an eclectic twist and a strong connection to the outdoors. 

While I am sourcing products, materials and creating designs for my clients I also support the following principles:

Reduce, reuse, recycle
This involves taking unloved furniture and waste materials and transforming them into new furniture or new uses. Why? This reduces the need for consuming new raw materials thus reducing energy use, landfill and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Low VOC’s & non-toxic materials
Materials such as paints, stains, varnishes, carpet, furniture and kitchen joinery can off-gas producing poor air quality in your home. This can continue for years after the products and materials are initially installed. By selecting products that are non-toxic and low or no VOC you are improving the quality of your air within your home and reducing the effects of poor air quality on your health. Learn more about air quality & Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

Made in Australia
By buying furniture and homewares made in Australia you are supporting local Australian communities, maintaining creative skills and local craftsmanship and reducing energy consumption and green house gas emissions by avoiding overseas transportation.

Fair trade
Is the term given to a movement to promote a better financial relationship between producers, sellers and consumers. By buying Fairtrade products you area supporting farmers, their families and communities in receiving more stable and secure incomes and better working conditions. 

Thank you for your interest in Natural Modern Interiors. I do enjoy reading all your messages so feel free to write me with any questions, comments, suggestions and story ideas. You can visit my contact page to send me an email. 

I look forward to hearing from you.