Friday, April 8, 2011

Marie Antoinette Party

I hadn't made plans to attend this party this morning.
It was a surprise party~for me!
And it came in a box.
 This pretty package was delivered to my house
 all the way from Indiana to Boston.
It was loaded with French goodies.
These party favors were  to celebrate Nicki's birthday
She is the one who turned me onto the ruffled bedspread I made into a slipcover!
I won a goody bag in her giveaway. 
It included this pretty party mask and crown ribbon pin.
 Chocolate cameos in a pretty pink bag
 Homemade macaroons with the cutest minature paper Eiffle tower.
 Many of the treats were wrapped in glycine bags with this glittered stamp~for me!
 A sweet note from Nicki thanking me for blogging inspiration and friendship~
Nicki's calling card, and Marie Antoinette's famous saying....yes, let them eat cake!
A fabulous party hat, I mean, crown!
A lavender sachet with a tower stamped on aromatic!
Thanks Nicki~
 I had one heck of a time at your party!
linking to Show and Tell Friday